Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Getting there

This last eight weeks has been the biggest period of change for my family that I can recall. Re-locating countries, getting kids into school in a new environment, adapting to a new daily routine, living out of suitcases, re-uniting with family members we hadn’t seen for years, attending a beloved cousin’s wedding, hunting for house and job, getting accustomed to being without a car for a while, etc etc. Somewhere in this chaos, there was also a sense of deep personal loss with the passing of a dear friend.

Now, it seems, things are rather slowly, but steadily, getting back on the rails. The older kid seems to like school and the younger doesn't actively complain about it. Mo has found a teaching job in the same school, which is rather convenient. And I, after hearing the standard “Your resume is impressive, but we can’t find the right fit at the moment” responses from a few prospective employers, seem to have finally landed a job (yet to sign on the dotted line).

The shipping company informed me yesterday that our goods shipped from Australia would be in Bangalore any day now, and the boys should be seeing their Lego collection soon. We found an apartment to rent in the same complex where we have been living temporarily for the last few weeks. Hmmm…looks like we are finally getting somewhere.

My mom calls me three times a day, and I have a feeling I will be getting to hear a lot more about auspicious times to do this and that. It’s good to be able to check on the folks once in a while.

Change is never easy, but looking back, in my own past experience, it’s usually been for the better. I don’t know about this one yet – time will tell. But I do feel closer to where I want to be.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful series of events! Congrats on the TWO jobs! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures after you've settled in a little more.
